Department of

Statistics & Data Science


The Department of Statistics & Data Science of CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Pune Lavasa Campus strives to shape outstanding data scientists and analysts with ethical and human values to reshape the nation's destiny. The training imparted aims to prepare young minds for the challenging opportunities in the IT industry with a global awareness rooted in the Indian soil, nourished and supported by experts in the field. The Department of Data Science endeavours to imbibe the vision of the University “Excellence and Service”. The department is committed to this philosophy which pervades every aspect and functioning of the department. To accomplish our mission, the department encourages students to apply their acquired knowledge and skills towards professional achievements in their careers. The department also molds the students to be socially responsible and ethically sound.



Department of Statistics & Data Science of CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Lavasa is established to shape students into outstanding Data Scientist and Analytics professionals with ethical and human values. The department offers various undergraduate and post-graduate programmes viz. Bachelor of Science in Data Science, Master of Science in Data Science, Bachelor of Science in Economics & Analytics,  Master of Science in Economics & Analytics, and Doctor of Philosophy in the areas of Data Science. Double Major Degree in BSc[Computer Science,Data Science/Honors/Honours with Research] and BSc[Economics,Statistics /Honors/Honours with Research] 
The department has rich expertise in terms of faculty resources who are well trained in various fields like Data Science, Data Security, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Networking, Data Mining, Big Data, Text Mining, Knowledge Representation, Soft Computing, and Cloud Computing. The department has a wide variety of labs set up, namely Machine learning lab, Data Analytics Lab, Open Source lab, etc. exclusively for the hands-on training of students for their lab-oriented courses and research.
The department intermittently organizes hands-on workshops on recent technologies like Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Hadoop, etc., for the students to make them ready for the industry. The department also equips students with a holistic education to be better citizens.



from the HOD

Greetings from the "Hub of Analytics". Welcome to the Data Science Department.

One of CHRIST University’s most ambitious initiatives, the Department of Data Science at Lavasa is at the pinnacle of groundbreaking research and academic excellence. 
The goal of the Department of Data Science is to enhance scientific excellence with a focus on developing a learning environment where students can sharpen their practical, analytical, and problem-solving skills.Our department is dedicated to providing a dynamic and exploratory learning environment.Our mission is to impart knowledge without borders and to advance the state-of-art in the area of Data Science & Analytics.
We are incredibly delighted to welcome you to the realm of data since without which, the present digital era is inconceivable. Data science is an emerging discipline that requires constant upgradation and this can be achieved by pushing the boundaries of existing knowledge about data science and by employing novel techniques to further the scope of the fields including finance, healthcare, education, and even security and governance. 
Skill development programmes  are also offered to help students design their future.Students are encouraged to participate in faculty-led joint research projects. The numerous publications and articles that the department's staff and students have published in high indexed journals reflect the rich results of these research endeavours.
We warmly welcome you to the Department of Data Science and we hope to contribute to your success.


Dr Lija Jacob



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Enrich Ethical Scientific Excellence


  • To develop Data Science professionals with ethical and social values
  • To divulge state-of-art knowledge in the area of Data Science and Analytics
  • To encourage research and innovation
  • To accustom the students with current industry practices, teamwork, and entrepreneurship




(Deemed to be University)

Christ University Road, 30 Valor Court
At Post: Dasve Lavasa,Taluka: Mulshi
Pune 412112, Maharashtra.

Tel: 1800-123-2009






CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

Copyright © CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 2020